Aug 16, 2012 16:42
Hahahahahahaha. Ha.
I let everything go, and was remarkably clean and free and clear and centered for about a whole day.
Then, I had a seizure late Sunday night. I was home alone, so I still don't know if I fell asleep and it happened, or I fainted asleep because of it. I woke up, disoriented, with Roxie on top of me whining. I probably wouldn't have known I'd had a seizure if not for my mouth being full of blood. Guys, I nearly bit my fucking tongue in half. It's Thursday and I still can barely talk. Or brush my teeth without crying.
I was out of it, so I dialed my normal crisis hotline and spoke to Jenny. She, wisely, told me to go to the ER. I felt awful getting my mom out of bed, but what are you gonna do? They ran blood work, confirmed I did, in fact, have a seizure, and ran a CT scan of my noggin. Gave me a pill, sent me home, and told me to see my Doctor. Coincidentally, I happened to have a run of the mill, yearly check up scheduled for this morning.
Because I had a seizure at 15 (and, despite being 13 years apart, it's still a 'history') I have to go for an MRI and an EEG this Tuesday. I'm sure that, just like last time, they'll find nothing. I'm more freaked out about having to endure the MRI than I am that they'll find something wrong with my brain.
Fortunately, for now, it doesn't mean losing my license or having to take epilepsy meds. In retrospect I was able to pinpoint my 'auras,' or signs that I might have a seizure, so my Dr took that to mean that I would be prepared should it happen again.
Joy. If this is the trade off, I'll go back to worrying about everybody else, please and thank you.