Dec 08, 2008 07:36
So, we went to see Milk on Sunday. And at turns it both galvanized me and made me realize how far we have not come. People are still trying to take away our civil rights. Granted, not on as large a scale as they tried to do back then, but none the less the sting is felt and hurts.
Part of me thinks the problem is a lack of a figure head. A person who speaks for the people, who get them involved, who points them in the right direction. An orator who is able to tap into the basic humanity inherent in all people and make them understand, or begin to understand where things should be going, and how we should be doing it. In essence, a figure-head, a leader, a hero...who is not afraid of getting up there on the podium and trying to enact a change for right, for good, for all the reasons that we need. A person who does not espouse hate and intolerance as a way of life, a person who will not turn their head the other way because it is the easy thing to do in the face of such things. A person who embodies and lives the concept of love thy neighbor, regardless of creed, gender/identification, sex, age, race and all of those things. A person who shows us to be not just another stereotypical group like everyone else thinks us.
Maybe I am asking for too much? Maybe I am thinking in too utopic a way. After all utopia means no place. But, damn, I just want and need someone to speak out. Maybe I should get into politics? Maybe I, instead of waxing poetic about it here, should get off my ass and do something about it, fight...and not just for myself, but for all the people who feel the sting of hate.
Thing is, and I know this sounds bleak, hate will always exist. Always. People will always be scared to face things unknown and that is just the way it is. But, should I let that keep me from my happiness...should I allow them to take away certain things from me, just because they think that what I do is wrong...that it will cause a rift in the world?
Man this world is would think that people rallying against extreme hate from militant groups would realize that they are perpetrating things along the same lines that they are fighting against...ain't that funny?