Oct 22, 2008 16:44
ETA: This isn't directed at anyone who reads my LJ.
I just want to tell almost everyone I'm friends with:
I'm not stupid. Stop treating me like I am, or I'm not going to talk to you about fucking anything anymore. I joke around to make people laugh, not because I'm stupid, and you'd know that if you had an ounce of humor in you that didn't rely on laughing at other peoples' hardship. So fuck off, yeah? I am perceptive enough to realise that you think I'm stupid.
To one of you in particular, you're not better than I am. You've done worse shit than I have, and at this point, that's saying something, so fuck you for being such a hypocrite. You've done the same thing twice, so suck it if you think you're somehow better than me. Just because it happened two years ago doesn't mean you have any fucking right to tell me that I'm not good enough to be someone's friend because of it, or imply at, or TALK TO ME ABOUT IT AT ALL.
It's not okay for you to make me feel stupid, because I'm not, and if you don't let me get things out in my own time, then you're not getting the full story anyway. Deny everything I say if you want to, but you'll always be wrong and if I have to, I'll beat you over the head with this: YOU'RE A HYPOCRITE. And if you don't understand that, I hope to god that someone you love realises it and calls you out on it so maybe you'll have the fucking sense to change.
Yes, I did something wrong. Yes, I betrayed a friend. Yes, I did something fucking awful, and I know that, and I feel fucking terrible about it, but you're the biggest fucking hypocrite I've ever met. "Put your skirt down" when yours flies up because you've decided to skip in it, in public, no less. Putting me down every chance you get and acting like I'm creepy or weird in a bad way for doing certain things, when you'd have no problem with it if it were someone else. Dressing like a slut and giving me dirty looks when I wear anything that makes me look even moderately attractive. And let me make it clear, it will NEVER be your decision to make that I make bad choices; you make bad choices too and you've alienated two of your best friends because you can't stop being a fucking hypocrite.
So you know what? Fuck you. You can act like I'm stupid all you want; you're a shitty friend and a shitty person and I don't know why anyone would want to be friends with you in the first place. You're a stuck up bitch, and at this point, I can't wait until you go to college and fuck up everything by letting your boyfriend follow you there and I will never have to see you again. I hope someone you're friends with is as stuck up and mean and horrible to you as you have been to me.