24,880 steps!

Jul 04, 2008 01:15

So in the coming month, we've started a pedometer competition, my friends and I. This came about after two of us walked over sixteen miles together in total over the course of two days (myself included). So for the month of July, I'm doing this to see how far I've walked! This far it's gone really, really well, and I'm really proud of how far I've walked.

STEPSMILESJuly 1st6,5911.4522July 2nd11,7612.6165July 3rd24,8808.2761Total43,23212.3448

It might be lame, but it feels like a noteworthy accomplishment.

In any case, tomorrow is July 4th, and I should probably be patriotic, but I feel so apathetic about the country right now, it's a little bit ridiculous. It's not that I don't love my country. I just wish that we were being all we could be.

Speaking of corporatism and being a slave to the wage (it's what being an American is all about!) I may have joined Anna (annasee) in the ranks of the undead fast food workers. I have applied to McDonalds and also at Wendy's (and at a diner in Henrietta, but that's not really fast food), and will hopefully be getting a job there that would allow me to be free in the evenings. I want to have an income, damnit. I kind of need one, too, considering the amount that I spend on daily expenses like food. And all sorts of other bullshit I don't need, like a paid LJ account (which I want back SO BADLY) and clothes ordered through the internet (I need new clothes, okay, really badly).

Also, while experience has told me never to give out personal information, recent events in which my father had his identity stolen by a Pizza Hut employee make me even more wary of personal data. PLEASE be careful with your identity. Otherwise you could end up with shitloads of anti-aging and anti-cellulite cream and a Gevalia coffee maker that you don't want delivered to your house because some idiot forgot to change the ship-to address.

I am so unbelievably tired of people being at my house. When I specifically say "I want to be alone", I do have a reason, I promise you. Usually that reason is that I am being a big geek and talking on the internet. IM me? Sure, go ahead! Call me on the phone? I may not answer, but you can try! But when you're at my house for your goddamned rehearsal and I'm unresponsive and obviously pissed, you have to realise that it will only make me pissier when you question my Friday night long-standing plans to stay home and get online for hours at a time. This is my fucking PLAN, okay, this is what I do. I want you to take your hibachi and the guy in the bushes and GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BACKYARD, YOU CUNTS.

Anyway. This entry has already gotten ridiculously long, so I'm going to stop typing and leave you with YOU ALREADY CLICKED, BITCHES.

patriotism, lame, walking, bitching, macros, stupid, antisocial?, job search, pedometer

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