And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon

May 17, 2011 14:10

Arthur is napping, and Coco is "resting" quite loudly in her room. This is the pattern for most afternoons. Arthur seems to be dropping his morning nap. At least we've missed it most of the last week.

Collette's games of pretend are becoming more elaborate, and she is intentionally funny. She's still pretty sweet and cooperative - especially with Arthur. She loves stories, books, movies and dress up. She loves her friends and cries when stories take a sad turn. She's struggling with fears and potty accidents. We are trying to respect her fears without fueling them. She's always slept with a nightlight, but now she also has a flashlight, we set up about a dozen stuffed animal friends and leave the door cracked. We've let her sleep with us a couple of times when she was upset in the middle of the night, but we don't sleep well with her. I think both issues are normal.

Arthur insists on eating at Coco's big kid table and doing everything she does. He's learned to climb up on the coffee table, stand on the arm of the couch and jump down on the cushions. I suspected I'd regret allowing Collette to do this, but they both love it so much. The joy on his face when he steps off the couch and the giggles that escape are so precious. He answers yes or no questions. He nods and says, "Deah!" or shakes his head no. He can open up our toy bins and often helps himself to toys if we are not quick enough to respond to his demanding grunts and points.

Soon-ish we'll need to replace our dishes. I ordered a new set, but the manufacturer has changed them in the last eight years. The manufacturer and product number are the same, but we don't like the new version. It's not a near enough of a match either. I found a $100 for four place setting I liked well enough on Amazon, but I'm not sure we want to spend that much on new dishes. I guess I'll look around for dishes that we could mix with our current set before we buy all new ones. I'm a little unreasonably disappointed that we can't replace the originals. I am sentimental. Coco comes by it naturally.

Joe and I have been asked to participate in a leadership Sunday School class studying the Westminster Confession. On one hand, I was very excited and optimistic. It's a serious class involving scripture memorization and in depth scripture reading about our theology, which is a topic I haven't delved into much since college. Joe and I could easily work together and quiz one another. On the other hand, I struggle to prioritize serious Bible study in my day-to-day life, and it feels like we're too busy. I've missed four classes - three due to sick children and one because we were out of town. The one class I attended I only sat in for about ten minutes before Arthur insisted he'd like to see his mom. Maybe it would be better now that he's dropping his nap... I should just jump in with this week's homework and verse memorization.

Who is the man who fears the LORD?
He will instruct him in the way he should choose.
The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him,
And He will make them know His covenant. (Psalm 25:12 & 14)
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