"It’s squishy, Mom."

Oct 20, 2010 18:54

Guilty pleasure: catching up on Project Runway online. I watched a lot toward the end of my second pregnancy and in the beginning of Art's life. It's actually on right now; so this writing isn't getting my full attention.

I'm struggling with the whole wife and mother thing this week. I feel like I vacillate between whiny martyr and "unstoppable" superwoman. One day I lay around all woe is me I can't possibly do more than push play for Veggietales and clean up after meals. The next day I'm all let me make everything from scratch including the air we breathe while my children finger paint in their finest attire. I was talking to Danielle about this, and she pointed out that so much of our day (at this stage of childrearing) depends on what kind of day our children are having. So if our children are cooperative and well rested, we are able to "produce" more tangibles. But if our children need more care than usual, then much of our day is focused on loving and/or disciplining.

I'm trying to catch up from the weekend and take care of my sick children, which only feeds the martyr/superwoman dynamic. Trying to visit with our friends, be a gracious host, and take care of our family was taxing. As an introvert Joe struggles with overnight company.

(As I was writing this Art woke up and got my attention by kicking the side of his crib repeatedly. When I opened the door, he had this adorable, self-satisfied grin. He's also started this really cute head shaking like he's saying no. Joe and I can't help shaking our heads to watch him shake his. He's so close to cruising and loves our low fireplace hearth.)

It's later, and I'm sitting on Coco's bed watching the children play together. I turned on Project Runway to attempt to finish the episode I began earlier. Coco, my little television addict (aka mini-me), heard the show, climbed into bed with me and put her head on my belly. She picked up her head and pushed my belly with her hands. "It's squishy, Mom."

Note to self: as soon as children are healthy go back to the gym (ironically back to gym daycare where they may pick up a new virus or two).

She looks well to the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness. (Proverbs 31:27)
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