Dec 14, 2009 17:11
I've always been a bit of a satyrical dick about 'the seperation of church and state' and how it, of course, doesn't exist. The more I read this book however, the more I realize it has never existed, save for the brief time at the birth of Christianity.
If it hasn't been possible for well over a thousand years, I don't see why it would suddenly be possible now. The problem is, for the way society continually pushes forward in how open it's trying to be (baby steps yes, but it's still trying), something's going to have to give. And it's going to have to either be the steady relationship between church and state, or the church is going to have to go back and start accounting for over 1500 years of rewriting biblical stories to their liking (Sodom, for example).
.. This is just me ranting, of course.
church hearts state 4eva