navelgazes posted an entry right when I needed to hear things like that.
Ian and I haven't played really hard and painful for more than a few days, and what I'm feeling is that 'weepy' feeling that she )navelgazes) can also attest to.
I need to get emptied and and wrung out. I need heavy hands.
Just talking about it on here is making me get the feeling back pretty heavily, which means I found exactly what the problem is.
And tonight, we'll fix it <3
EDIT: WHile I was about to press 'post', Ian walked in (we're at work, he was dropping off dogs)
Me: I'm writtin bout you <3
Ian: About how much you love me?
Me: -insert explination about this entry here-
Ian: I got somethins for you :3
Me: Oooo???
Ian: *hands over raspberry chocolate bar and a pint of Dublin Mudlisde ice cream*
Me: OH GOD <3<3<3<3