Oct 29, 2003 21:56


I'm going to start off by saying that this journal is going to strictly be for things I've written that, for some reason or another, I would like to share. I've come from a long line of "diaries" and that's not what this is. So if you know me* (or think you do) then keep it to yourself. Please leave whatever personal opinions you may have of me at the door, because they certainly aren't welcome here. Anyone and everyone's thoughts are encouraged and welcomed...but only if they pertain to what I put here. If you have something else to say, save it for your own journal.
With that said, there's just a short explanation as to why I've decided to start this. Simply put, I've had my fair share of writing assignments in college, and I feel as if they are going to waste. So I figured, why not share and get some feedback as well?
Writing is a beautiful thing. Words can express endless emotions. That's why I'm here.

Oh and by the way, if you steal anything from me, I'll kill you. <3

*Some entries may be locked because they contain enough personal information about myself that would reveal my identity OR they may contain information about others who may not want to be included in public posts. Therefore, if you want to read them all, add me and I'll add you back - provided that you are sincerely interested, and not just sneaky.