Dec 07, 2006 07:33
Hmmm... so i've been working this calender job thingy- which incidently.. so has Lara Cooper from primary, and Naomi!
But I haven't actually seen Naomi there- I just saw her tax form and texted her- she was on day shift.
But our section is over. The photocopying bit. Time really too because I wanted to cry when I saw that photocopier. On the other hand- I am now a bit of a dab at photocopying! Seeeeriously (With the accent too)
I CAN keep working there binding... from.... 9pm till whenever. But I dont know- its still only $12 an hour. I'm going to try it out tonight, but I think I will do better just having nothing to do next week.
Of course thats the only thing- I will really be at a loss with what to do with my time! The only thing that needs doing is cleaning and I dont want to :s And I hate that if I have free time- I spend money.
Sooo I'm probably going to be working 9 till whenever for some of next week! Craaazy. But thats the only thing- for only a few days I could hack it just for the extra cash you know?
Anyway- I acually want opinions.. is it worth it for a measly $12 an hour?
Plus I slept in till 12 today, then got up, then went back to sleep at like 1.30 till 4.... had to go to work to find out if I still had work at that point otherwise would have been longer. It was just catching up sleep really, but still pretty bad, especially considering I had stuff to do today and I didnt do it :P
So I'll be awake tonight!
P.S. I'm working Boxing Day!!!!! YES! (Its 2.5x pay because its a public holiday) 8 hour shift!! I'm psyched :D