Feb 08, 2006 23:03
Well I played lotto today.
Mike gave me the crappest numbers ever.
I was all like 16! I have...two 16s. out of 12 lines! Same for 20. 27,31,32,41....a grand total of...ONE each. SO out of 6 winning numbers I get to circle 8 on my TWO lotto tickets! I'm about to have a bf. Like oh my god could I be any less a winner. The big guy really had to rub in that I did not win in any way whatsoever. The most I had were 2 in one line as well, the others were all in their own little seperate lines.
I have got the message! I am not one of those lucky people who find money on the ground and never pay for things full price to find them on sale two days later.
Also notice how nice the weather has been last few days and this morning? We chose to go to the beach up north-it rains. Fucking pours. So we spot and head to a beach with blue sky over it, have lunch, then it pours harder. Like if it was cloudy or spitting we wouldnt care. But you cant really enoy yourself when its pelting spitballs at you.
I feel like Bruce.
I hope no one gets that reference just because.
So moral of the story. Dont get lotto off mike, he is seeping poor people vapours into the tickets.