i'm sorry i'm crying again

Apr 21, 2005 22:47

i just wrote all this whole long entry and i accidentally deleted. which really helps the crying, let me tell you.

i cant even remember all i wrote.

i'm really struggling getting used to this new job of yours. i'm used to seeing you all day and knowing when you get off work. this whole not knowing is killing me. i just wish that you could answer your phone or call me back. but you never do. you dont know or understand how much this hurts me.

its almost 11:00 right now and i called you to say goodnight and you still arent answering and i'm wondering where you are, and where you've been all day that you didnt even want to call the girl you say you love.

but maybe you agree with zach. is that what it is? when you say he's entitled to his own opinion do you really mean you agree and thats your opinion too? arent you hurt? arent you kind of wondering why your best friend is saying that? that we're not going to make it and that you dont love me or like me as much as the beginning. cause if thats the case, please just let me know. cause all this waiting around and wondering is killing me.

its just nice to pick up the phone and hear your voice. its nice to have you call me.

but maybe zach is right again. maybe you both think that i nag too much. im not nagging! im sorry that i love you so much, so so much, that i want to hear your voice and i want to see you as much as i can. but thats the difference between me and you i guess isnt it?

i would give up anything and everything to spend one moment with you. but if you dont feel that way, thats cool.

i'm sorry that i couldnt stop crying tonight. i just wanted to say goodnight. but i dont know where you are, what you've done all day. i dont even know if you made it home ok from work!

for all i know youre dead somewhere and thats why you cant answer your phone. thats what i think about when you dont call. it breaks my heart.

and yeah it hurts when you say that since you saw me at midnight yesterday that it counts as seeing me today so you dont technically have to see me. if you dont want to see me, just let me know. cause i hate not knowing.

you're probably going to yell at me for saying all this. you're probably going to make me feel guilty and make me want to cry somemore. but im sorry. thats how i feel. if you could just pick up the phone and make me a part of your life.

i guess this is goodnight and ill talk to you whenever you realize that i'm here, alive and waiting. i love you so much.

i love you so much it hurts. but i would do anything to be with you. cause i love you more than anything and you are numero uno to me. so goodnight, i love you. dont be mad and please dont make me feel guilty cause thats how you make me feel the worst and the lowest ever.
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