Apr 09, 2005 02:53
lately ive been running my tongue around the inside of my mouth dont you believe that like hands like eyes like feet like legs like arms your mouth has a side and im worried that i press too hard on the right im right mouthed and it makes me
ive been writing about pornography lately its an essay by choice by accident i was going to do something else something else something else i forgot something else maybe sedition maybe blasphemy obscenity censorship libel but i kindve stumbled on this big yellow book libraries pornography erotica
representation of pornography violence freedom sexism fantasy doris lessing
a brain lapse
they only last a moment
and you are afraid of ghosts
but dont be
these things that you think sit next to you or are waiting for you in the hall or are in the bathroom mirror when you wash fash
they are real
but you arent important enough
they arent for you
they dont have time to sit in chairs and watch you sleep
they are for someone else
to be haunted is vanity
like men watching women
and women watching men watch themselves
so read afraid to write
and fantasize afraid to violate
to type fast but have
cold hands cold
stops cant find the right
word wont find it wont
you must be hungry like
empty bellies
its these haunting things
like spelling and vanity
like tongues in mouths
and folding clean clothes
i just wont do