Apr 22, 2007 23:17
so a little over a month ago he and i started up again. i don't know why it did in the first place mostly because he suggest that we try to be just friends. he couldn't even live up to his own request. i was fine with it or at least fine enough to not kiss him back when he had tried to. unfortunately I gave in a week before my bithday and man oh man was it GOOD. i don't feel guilty that we're back to messing around again because he is good guy. we get along perfectly, we're comfortable around eachother and we don't have anything to hide. he comes to all my birthday eventhough i know its not really his thing to drink. we've also designated Saturday as movie nights. also the sex is simply amazing and it gets better everytime. the only thing that i dont understand is why we've never tried to commit to eachother. its weird. we've had talked about the possiblity never followed through. I think I might investigate the possiblity some more because I really do think we would be good for eachother. I might be wrong for saying this all because I've been seeing other people but there is a reason why he and i keep running back to eachother.