Jan 02, 2009 01:28
Well, technically the day is over and I totally missed posting. Oh well. I could have earlier, I just wanted to wait and then I had to work tonight. I really hope everyone had an awesome holiday and New Years.
I made a few goals for me for personal and for LJ, so I figured i'd list them here.
1. Meet and hang out with some online AZ friends this year.
2. Remember to wish everyone a Happy Birthday on their birthday, minus time zones.
3. Try and get to know more people on my friendslist. I have a lot, if you hadn't noticed, and sadly, some I don't even know your names.
I want to learn more about each of you this year. :)
4. Lean more about graphics and icons!
5. Learn more about websites so I can make HF.com dazzle David!
6. Do the 12 of 12 each month which leads me to my personal goals..
1. Get of out of the house more often. Me and Sophie spend to much at home. The 12th day is going to be our day to be very active, but I need to add more than 1 day a month.
2. Lose 10 lbs and majorly tone up! I've decided to put my pilates dvds to the test!
3. Be a more active parent. Yep, sadly I lack in those skills. I'm definitely going to plan more outdoor activities and be more active in the home.
4. Be more organized. Clean out closests and kitchen cabinets. Then move to the garage. EEK!
5. Be more decorative. I want to do more with this house, even if it is for just a year.
6. One thing i've added to LJ this year and my personal life is to read more.I only listed 25 books, but I think i'm going to up it to 50 and include a list of children's books I read. I need to start reading more to the kids and this list will help me get more motivated.
I know there are so many more, but this is a start. I'll definitely add more the next few days!