Just talkin'.

Apr 28, 2005 18:04

-- So guess what I did last night! I went to Hooters!! Oh man, it was a good time :) Me, Chris, Liz, Henry, and my Samwise all loaded up into the Subaru and drove to Beaverton for an evening of some serious T & A exposure. It was actually not bad at all, the waitresses are decently covered up at all times, just some major cleavage and booty shorts. It was fun. We, in my opinion, got the hottest chick there, she was a sweetie, and, after I asked what the application process was like (I was curious! I wanted to know if it was normal or if they took measurements or something weird!), told me that I should apply. :) Ha, me as a Hooters girl! I told my parents that I was doing research for my future -- my mom turned pale and I've never seen my dad look so digusted in my life. It was pretty good.

On another note, today was the senior clean-up day. Pretty fun! Me, Bryan, Kurt, Chris, and Emma all cleaned the kiddie-pool in the park and then Em and I got to use the leaf-blower things to clear the sidewalks -- we looked like Ghostbusters! I am so far from being mature enough to be an eighteen year old about to graduate and go out into the world. Ha. Then Liz, Bryan, and I rolled down a hill a coupla times, sat and talked, picked up Sam, talked some more, left, and Liz and I ended up at the coffee shop around one. We talked there for another hour and then spent the rest of out time wandering the shops that we hardly knew existed along that stretch of road. It was cool.

I love Liz. Even when she drives me crazy, she's the only one that I always feel comfortable with. She makes me feel comfortable with myself. Or ponder myself in ways that I wouldn't if she hadn't said something. My sister.

All my friends are so beautiful. I was thinking about this today. Holy crap. Get us together and we look like a patchwork quilt, all different colors and patterns, mildly clashing. But put us individually in our correct environment, like, slide in the right backdrop and really, I have very good-looking friends. Liz needs a pastel background. A garden with flowers, or cool marble pillars or something. Em needs something fun but classy, like a fountain, or the Eiffel Tower or something. Bryan HAS to be outdoors, at the beach or in the snow. Gordon would need cooler colors, probably on the darker side, black and that dark-yet-striking blue. High tech. Sam needs yellow; an old, yellow VW bug. Chris needs red, something racy, a party or something. I don't know what I'd need. I'd like to think that I could fit in each one of those pictures, and that that's why I'm so good of friends with these people. But I'm sure I'd have my own background too...I dunno. Orange? Huh. I'm totally rambling. I could have doen all of this much more efficiently in my own head...
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