Sep 11, 2006 16:07
My story actually starts the night before......Our Campus Programing Board had shown the movie Swordfish I was walking back to my apt, and a plane flew over heard and I remember thinking I wonder if that could really happen.(To this day I will not watch that movie. Woke up- put on a CD and the last song I heard before walking out of my room was "Grey Sky Morning(Best I ever had)" by Vertical Horizon. So I was singing that as I was going to class- Theories of Learning @ 10am- I'm sitting there 15 minutes early and I heard a few people talking about it and I turned around and asked them if they were talking about a movie. They said no and filled me in. The professor walked in there was about 7 of us in there out of the 23 in the class, she filled us in on the plane in PA. My first thought was about my roommate's family becase she was from up around Pittsburgh. The Professor cancelled class, and I ran out of the class room, and went out the door furthest from my dorm. I mention this for one reason--it was the door farthest from my room and wasn't a door I usually went out. Well I'm on my way down the walk to go read my roommate's class schedule on the door and I turn a corner and she's there. We hugged each other and she said I know about the plane, and I don't think my family is in danger. And so she tried my cell phone couldn't get thru, and we went back to the room, and so she found out they were okay. We spent all day making p packets for club recruitment day and watching the TV...