01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
03. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And so on and so on and so on...
1.- Who's your favorite historical character?
Benjamin Franklin - he was an inventor, a politician, a musician, a drinker, a womanizer, a writer, a speaker, an expert in international relations, and he had very progressive views on religion. The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia is one of my favorite places on earth - housing not only a vast array of his personal inventions, but a three story Foucault Pendulum so you can watch the Earth’s rotation.
2.- Thoughts on yaoi Al Pacino?
Mr. Pacino is a fantastic actor, though I don’t deliberately fangirl over him. The Godfather series is mesmerizing, but I love him most for his performance in Heat. And you know I'm mostly 'meh' about yaoi - it's always so over the top and implausible, but sometimes smut is smut.
3.- Favorite smut? :E
Right now my favorite smut is
silk kimono by paws-bells (ItaSaku AU). RAWR >:3
4.- Japanese or Chinese food?
That’s so tough - I’m a huge fan of both types of food. I definitely eat a lot more Chinese food, but that’s only because there’s not really a great Japanese food place around here. Given the choice, Japanese definitely; I could live solely on sashimi, negimaki, udon and sake. OK, now I’m hungry. :P
5.- So, Ishida pwning Ralph Lauren or Tommy Hilfiger?
I think Ishida pwns Ralph Lauren just on basic principle - our little Uryuu would scoff at the man who’s made a fortune styling beautifully rugged cowboy-types. I can totally see Ishida working for Tommy Hilfiger to get a foot in the door and then completely pwning him at fashion week.