Apr 04, 2004 00:29
Entry # 00114
Got up early at 7 to get some Starbucks with Christine and Cameron…one of them, *ahem* (cameron) showed up 15 minutes late and we had left by then…::sigh:: oh well, what can ya do?
Worked all day from 11-4. My legs hurt.
Tonight was the Fear Before show. I thought it was really good, but they could’ve done better than to let everyone up onstage and have like, that black dude singing EVERY friggin’ song! But yeah… I hung out with Glen a lot of the time, hung out by myself a lot of the time, hung out with Christine a lot of the time, and saw Emily…
Emily and I got in a little “fight” before the show, somehow she ended up not needing me for a ride…hmm. Ok.
I, Christine, Andrew, and Jon bought FBTMOF hankeys that say “ Adam Fischer Steals Babies“, then in small print underneath, it says, “Fear Before the March of Flames.” They are cool.
Well anyways, Glen was fun. We kissed each others…bandana’s. ::smiles:: ::smiles:: ::hand heart:: ß on your sleeve ;) I love you dude! Thanks for making my night amazing!
Tomorrow, im going to get starbucks and spend the whole day doing homework. ::shrugs:: unless I find something better to do.