So I haven't really posted anything talky in a long time so here goes.
Firstly; Doctor Who is amazing! I watched all of New Who in the last 3 weeks. So good! Some of the episodes dragged a little but on the whole it was brilliant. Standouts I felt were the "Empty Child” and “Doctor Dances” double, the “Impossible Planet”, “Blink” and all of season 5 really. Safe to say I’m a Moffett fan. A lot of people don’t seem to like him because of the way he writes women or something, but personally I don’t really get it. I think he’s a great writer because his episodes are so tightly plotted and complex. He also tends to do a lot of 20 minutes to save the world episodes, which I adore.
In terms of doctor preferences I think I’d have to go Matt Smith, David Tennant, Christopher Eccleson, but really they’re all brilliant. Each actor brought something different to the character which was really good, while remaining true to all the basics. Matt Smith is just too adorkable for words.
Things I’m not too much of a fan of; River Song. I just don’t really like her. She’s sort of boring because she’s mysterious. I’m just not interested in her at all. Especially not as a partner for the Doctor.
Which brings me to Rose; Doctor/Rose are now my OTP. They’re go great together. Every single final with her in it was heartbreaking. Why of why did Billie Piper have to leave the show to do Secret Diary?
So that’s about it on the Doctor Who front.
At the moment I’m watching Sherlock (<3 Moffett) and loving it. I’m downloading episode 3 right now. Only half an hour left till it’s done! I think it may just be convincing me to ship my first m/m pairing. Interesting times.
I’ve also joined
scifiland and
whedonland which are so much fun! I keep getting confused by timezones and missing deadlines :s I need to get a planner of some I think.
Go team Anti-Hero!
Go team Firefly!
I also joined
thebluebox_lims and need to pimp it to earn a skip.
Join something!