
Oct 27, 2004 22:28

I havent updated in a while because i have been so caught up in school i havent really had time but now sice i have finaly finished my homework and i started at about 7 and its 1030 now i can finally update YES! *throws hands up in the air*. Well today was a pretty good day becasue i got a 100 on my quizz and o yeah i found out that im not gona pass this semester unless i make up two days in 1st and 2nd and 3 in 3rd and 4th which totally sucks butm i guess its worth it if i dont want to fail the semester because my mom and dad were alrady mad at me for failing the quarter so i can't imagine how pissed they would be if the found out that i wasnt gona pass this grade. Well after that encounterin 1st period i went to 2nd and played hacky sack threwout gym class with nick sean and some other people it was fun untill it was taken away . Well when i was leaving 2nd i was walking out of the gym hall and i Mr. Nic O-Brein and in was soo... temped to punch him dead in the nose just to shut him up for once but he hasnt said anything to me since the last davie game with Chris so thats pretty awesome. Well lets see here in 3rd period i got to go to English with my teacher that think i smoke pot because my pupils are to big for her i guess. But she is pretty cool because she acually understands why sometimes i just can't do the work in her class becuase of problems at home or in other class's which i think is pretty awesome consitering that i could get a zero on alll the work i havent turned in and the project i toally forgot about untill i just told you guys right now and it poped into my head so right now i am a little scared that i am gona get a zero for a project grade and that would really suck some major ass. But yeah lets see here after 3rd of course i went to 4th period the easyest class besides gym. I made dcaws the whole class and i posted one in my room on my moniter(computer screen) and i also made one that was funny as shit  it had like a pot leave instead of a oak leave and i put canada above it but he saw it and got really mad at me and made me cut it of and swep the whole room the rest of class which really sucked because i really wanted that sticker cause it was freaken awesome. Well after that i left schooll and we got home the fastest we have ever got home from school this year which was at like 3:40 which is pretty fast considering the school traffic and the slow drivers but some how we beat al of them and made it home fast as shit. So i got home and clean my room and then i did homw work for a long ass time like i said before at the top of the page. And thats everything thats happend today at school and out of school today and its was a pretty fun day at school considering its school.



Im out
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