Because I am a sheep

Nov 08, 2007 23:18

1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most. As many as I feel like.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Then tag three people. Do it if you feel like it.
4. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!

Characters Chosen: Psyca, Orianna, Adriena, Ember, Maicis, Shinju

How old are you?

Psyca: Old enough to know better, young enough not to give a shit.
Orianna: 75
Adriena: 28
Ember: 26
Maicis: 24
Shinju: 18


What's your height?

Psyca: 4' 8". That's average for a Leperian.
Orianna: 5' 4"
Adriena: 5' 2"
Ember: 5' 4"
Maicis: 5' 1"
Shinju: 5' 6"


What are you?

Psyca: Master Mage of Leperian
Orianna: A Priestess of the Sun God Lucien
Adriena: A Professor at the Kalen'a Royal Academy
Ember: A Dancer
Maicis: An Art Student
Shinju: Daughter of a famous business man and a pretty sailor suited soldier, but that's our secret, okay?


Do you have any bad habits?

Psyca: I drink, swear, and fight...but most Leperians don't consider those to be BAD habits...
Orianna: Well... I guess I'm kinda preachy...
Adriena: I pick fights with idiots. And there are a lot of idiots.
Ember: Uh.... Can I sum it up with "I'm not the kind of girl you take home?"
Maicis: I am perpetually late to everywhere I go.
Shinju: People say that I'm a snob.


Are you a virgin?

Psyca: I have children, draw your own conclusions.
Orianna: Yes
Adriena: No
Ember: *dies laughing*
Maicis: For me to know, and for you to wonder.
Shinju: In the physical, technical meaning of the word....


Who's your mate/spouse? If not, got anyone in mind?

Psyca: Edwin
Orianna: *blush* Well... I'm hoping that Donovan and I can be together....
Adriena: Kensuya. And yes, he is one of my students.
Ember: Settle down? Not on your life.
Maicis: Well, Swan seems to think that we're an item, but I beg to differ.
Shinju: I promised not to name any names....


Do you have any kids?

Psyca: I think I said that already....
Orianna: No.
Adriena: We're working on it.
Ember: Me? Kids?
Maicis: Not yet. Maybe not ever.
Shinju: No. And I don't think I ever will.

What's your favorite food?

Psyca: Does alcohol count as food?
Orianna: Melons!
Adriena: The rice dishes they prepare down in Olen... One of the few things I miss about that country...
Ember: Chicken. Any way you want to prepare it, I'll eat it.
Maicis: Chocolate, hands down.
Shinju: Ice Cream

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Psyca: Vanilla
Orianna: What would that be?
Adriena: I haven't had ice cream since I left the court at Andeth... about 16 years ago. I don't even remember what it was like.
Ember: Peanut butter swirl
Maicis: Cookies and Cream
Shinju: I like them all.


Have you killed anyone?

Psyca: I personally lead a revolution against a corrupt government, so I'd have to answer yes to that.
Orianna: Goodness, no!
Adriena: Yes. And they deserved it.
Ember: I don't think I have.
Maicis: Yes, but I couldn't avoid it.
Shinju: Yes.


Do you hate anyone?

Psyca: Yes.
Orianna: No. Hate is a horrible thing to have in our hearts.
Adriena: I used to. But death brings a nice closure to it.
Ember: Not particularly.
Maicis: Sometimes. It's a love/hate kind of thing....
Shinju: My parents.


Have any secrets?

Psyca: I've been hearing voices since I was nine.
Orianna: No. I am very honest. Lucien rewards those that are honest.
Adriena: Plenty. And most of them are personally damning, so I'm not sharing.
Ember: Doesn't everybody?
Maicis: Yep.
Shinju: Yes... my whole identity.


Do you love anyone?

Psyca: Yes. My two sisters, my husband, and our children.
Orianna: *blush*... Yes.
Adriena: Yes.
Ember: Not in the romantic sort of way.
Maicis: My sister. And don't believe anything that Swan says. I don't love him. I really don't.
Shinju: Yes.


What is your job?

Psyca: I am the head of the recently reinstated Leperian Mage's Guild. I train young Leperians in the magic arts.
Orianna: I am a Priestess of Lucien... currently I am traveling from town to town preaching the Sun God's word.
Adriena: I'm a Professor of Applied Magic at the Royal Academy. Also I am a scholar researching the Goddess Blessings
Ember: Well, I WAS a Dancer... now I'm between jobs....
Maicis: I'm a full time art student.
Shinju: I'm a full time high school student.


Boy or girl?

Psyca: Woman.
Orianna: Woman.
Adriena: Woman.
Ember: Female the last time I checked.
Maicis: Woman
Shinju: Woman

What do you do to relax?

Psyca: Spend time with my husband and children. I also dabble in sword crafting and alcohol brewing.
Orianna: I sing.
Adriena: I read, usually. Sometimes I write.
Ember: I dance.
Maicis: I paint.
Shinju: When I want to relax I go stargazing.


What's your sexual orientation?

Psyca: Well, my husband was a man the last time I checked... perhaps I should check again?
Orianna: *cough* Ah... *blush* *dies of embarrassment*
Adriena: I'm open to...suggestion, to put it mildly.
Ember: Men, men, men, all the way.
Maicis: I definitely prefer men. Women are just too bitchy to be with... some men are though too.
Shinju: Honestly? I find women to be better partners...


Where do you like to sleep?

Psyca: With my husband. I'm not too picky about the location.
Orianna: Outdoors. I always feel safe with Donovan around.
Adriena: Well, those months at Olen got me liking nice fluffy beds with feather pillows...
Ember: Any place that is remotely warm and dry.
Maicis: In my room in the apartment I share with my sister.
Shinju: In my own bedroom. It's rather nice.


Trains, planes, or automobiles: how do you like to get around?

Psyca: Walking. It was good enough for my grandmother and her mother, and so on, so it's good enough for me.
Orianna: Donovan and I usually walk.
Adriena: Either walking or horseback. Although the Terani wagon caravans are quite fun.
Ember: Driving is best. Especially in something fast and flashy.
Maicis: I usually take the bus...or the subway. Depends on how far I have to go.
Shinju: Well, I could have dad's driver take me...but usually I walk. I never get lost.


What is your biggest regret?

Psyca: Not having started that damned revolution sooner.
Orianna: I have nothing to regret.
Adriena: I regret nothing. Although I suppose that I should be proper and professional and say that I regret having an affair with one of my students, despite the fact that we're both adults.
Ember: Getting kicked out of the dance troupe because I was in jail for being in a bar fight.
Maicis: That I got stuck in this city in the first place.
Shinju: That I haven't been honest enough with myself.


Who is your hero?

Psyca: My grandmother, Haley.
Orianna: Alcinda, the first Priestess of Lucien and the Divine Prophet
Adriena: Aria, the Goddess of War and Magic
Ember: My mom
Maicis: I have no heroes left.
Shinju: The Guardian Polaris... I know that was me in my former life...but sometimes it really feels like it must have been someone else!


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