Jun 06, 2007 20:41
I wanted to post a public entry, in case I have (non-friended) admirers here on LJ. It's a very romantic notion, to want someone you don't even know to like or respect you solely on the basis of your blog. Nevertheless...here I am. :)
I will admit that I occasionally read blogs posted by people I don't know. It makes me feel connected to them...for a little while, anyway, until it hits me that I am alone, sitting at my computer...and then I have to have some real human contact.
Have I ever mentioned that I am completely in love with Dan Savage on the basis of his web ramblings? It's really too bad he doesn't like women.
But I digress.
I'll tell you a funny story. Perhaps that will make you fall in "LJ like" with me. It's worth a try.
A young man showed up at the office today and tried to sweet-talk his way into the wallets of three uber-suspicious women. "Would you be interested in free pizza from Dominoes?" he asked. I thought he was giving away coupons or something, but he was selling them...a booklet for $26. I asked him how, exactly, $26 = free, and he didn't give me a very good answer. Of course, my mind was made up by that point, and I could tell that Brittany's and the madre's were as well. Upon seeing that he would not be selling any pizza coupons to us, he pulled out an Atlanta Braves coupon book. Still not interested, buddy. I felt kinda bad for him, though, so I offered him a coke and sent him on his way. As soon as he left, Brittany and I remarked that he was cute, to which the madre replied, "He may be cute, but there's something really bad wrong with that boy." True. There must be something wrong with someone who walks around town trying to sell coupon books, y'know? But he provided a lot more entertainment than I think he realized. ;)
Okay, I've had about enough of being LJ-social now. I'm going to bed.