Nov 04, 2008 21:19
Oh weird, two posts one day. Been a while since I've done that.
I voted for the first time in my life today.
I waited in like at the polls for 3 hours, then I went to Costco and then to get some food. By the time I got home I turned on the T.V. and it said Obama was elected. I was like.....WHAT. LAWL. Super awesome but really, three hours. I should have got an absentee ballot. Lessons learned.
If you don't like it move to Canada? Sounds familiar, but really don't lets do what we can to make America a great country.
Okay enough of politics for me.
Time for cartoons or something.
Oh yea what I was going to say.
I was at my mom's farm going through some stuff that was left when we moved out of 1718 and I found A LOT of very very sentimental things. I found a few 3x5's that had notes Sarah wrote me and some things from that era of my life. It was so nice to read the notes and just remember what it felt like. Then I found some pictures of some dances Emily and I went to that weren't the official pictures. Oh man that was a nice too. It was amazing actually to just sit and look back at them and see how far I've come but not only that but to really remember how I felt in that moment. I've gone through a lot of LJ posts over the years to remember but LJ, words even, have no comparison to a physical representation of an emotion. A picture of Emily pinning a flower on my suit. The both of us laughing (probably at some joke the majority of the world would find stupid). I've been so focused on moving forward in my life. I've been so focused on progress and the next step and running from my past while I was at it. It was perfect timing for me to stop and realize that I was actually very happy. When I think of my past I mostly look at the sad things that have happened and tried to grow from them but hot damn I had some good times.
Late night skating
Late nights out with the guys
Road trips all the friends
spending time with emily
all the drama with sarah
halo parties
that is the short list
It was perfect to see all those things, it really was the climax to a little emotional roller coaster I have been riding. Sitting alone in that really cold barn looking through boxes of memories really did make me fall briefly in love with sarah and emily again. Gave me hope for the future in a weird way. I grabbed a few things and then I went home. Life is life is life is life.
Goddamn you half Japanese girls. You do it to me everytime.
-El Scorcho