Sep 04, 2004 15:48
not to sound all down, and not to make anyone else down but i feel soooo shitty. yeah, parents were back together for about 3 they're getting a divorce, and my mom is off looking at apartments. it kinda sucks a little or a lot...or a whole bunch and i don't particularly want to deal with anything else. but i kinda had to. i had to get up at 6 this morning to go to a tennis tournament and i had a huge break-down in my sister's car and was crying so much, then my coach pulled up and saw me crying and stuff and asked me if i was ok. i wish she hadn't asked me, i wish she hadn't saw me, i dunno. i talked to nina and that made everything a lot better, and hopefully her and me and a couple other people will go out tomorrow, may tim and robert? i dunno, i wanna hang with tim more cause he seems really awesome so she kinda wants a single guy to come too. yeah, not as a date! everyone i know thinks i'm into tim, i am not! i just want to fucking get to know him. every two seconds it's 'you guys would look so cute together!' uggghhrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! i'm ok. well, not really. i'm emotionally unstable at the moment, i'll be fine soon, i'm just going through shit. i'm ok though, i hope everything works out for tomorrow. last night i went to a warren football game cause becca goes there and i for some odd reason met a bunch of really cool carmel kids, (allen, ashly, michael) oo oo oooo, jon if youread this!!!! i met your close friend mike...michael? however he likes it, he's fun as hell. anywho, i'm blah, it's cool cause i'll be cool.