Dec 21, 2006 16:15
Ever have your salivary gland have a seizure? Mine totally did.
I was eating an M&M and I lifted my tongue to swallow and stuff, and instead of my spit-maker just producing drool like it PROJECTILE SHOT IT at my monitor.
Gleeking, i do believe my ever-so-eloquent friends back in middle school called it.
Oh, I remember the contests they had once they learned to harnass their power...the contests where they tried to see who could gleek furthest and with most accuracy. Truly the golden era.
But seriosuly...I gots drool in my screen now. Great.
Been busy as fuck with school and family as of late.
Dog is surprisingly STILL alive. oo;; Maybe we'll have him for crimmus after all! :DDD But then downer is we're prolly gonna put him down shortly after. Oh well. At least we've had him this long...I;m greatful. Poor boy. It's a pity he's so sick.
Uh uh uh...still got letter to mail and stuff. Because my mom never mails anything, but just lets them sit for three weeks in the car. Cheers mum.