Nov 27, 2006 17:14
Oh WOW guys, thanks for the advice! It's been SO helpful! NOT. Thanks for ignoring me as usual.
I KNOW some of you DON'T have LJs...but I ask for advice once and you can't even BOTHER to drop me help IRL (for those that can)? Oh, it's because it's just a dog, right? Fine, when your pets die or get sick, you can all screw yourself, because Jen, the comfort queen, won't be there this time.
I don't know why i'm mad.
It's irrational.
It's sad.
But I AM.
I've been irritable lately. Someone talks to me at the wrong time, I growl at them. Someone sits near me or looks at me, I want to punch them. Like the guy who's sitting next to me (not you Kyle, the balding one who's taking a nap). i don't know him. He's probably a nice guy. I still have my space.
But he walked over and sat by me and I wanted to throw him off the balcony. I wanted to yell at him for approaching me. Or set him on fire.
Why? No idea.
Maybe I'm moody because it's almost time for me to surf the crimson tide. Or maybe it's because I'm under a lot of stress. Or because I'm tired.
I don't know.
Maybe i'm fucked up and crazy.
Haha, i need anger management.
I KNOW i've had a certain penchant for manipulation, control, and torture (to put it one way)for awhile, but yet my kinder, gentler side is so against all's like I'm fighting myself. I hope gentle Jen wins. It; takes a very rare type to bring out my anger and hatred.
I sound emo, huh?
Haha, have I scared you away, those who live in a different state? Have I scared the ones I know only through the internet? If so, i'm sorry. Perhaps if you talked to me, you would find I'm not like this, that this is venting.
Let's hope so.