May 29, 2008 01:29
often lie?
i'll say why(?) but will know ( . )
better than to expect a straight answer...
over & over & /over
i'll try/
turning new into old/
i can't turn shit into gold/
left alone/useless/help...
help me
impress you
soon i will bow down to her majesty
& say goodbye
dump all the trash
(leave it behind)
gathered along the way
(really i find: it's the flavor)
sitting aside
& yll say "what's good in the hood"
and i'll forget i ever tried to/wished to/longed to [turn(ed)] away
(pick up the FUCKING phone and dial 11)
[complaining ain't deep]
so i try, try again (?)
2057 ((TRY TO GET GAME))
give us a reason to come back again, ay?