Apr 17, 2002 20:01
RoSyDaWs0n: wow...good for you for writing that!
RoSyDaWs0n: and sticking by it...it might not be how you feel in the big picture, but it was still an opinion...and that you shouldnt have to take back
for u im a dork: its just when im online with someone and i tell them im sad or whats bothering me all i get is "feel happy"...well...fuck u know...its hard...there's a reason why im upset...if it was easy id do it
RoSyDaWs0n: well...in the words of whitney houston...."AND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
RoSyDaWs0n: and just imagine me singing it..cus i was on the top of my lungs as i was typing it
RoSyDaWs0n: hehe
for u im a dork: haha...oh god