Nov 28, 2004 19:18
I have the hiccups. The Christmas tree is up :D uhm, other than that sexy picture of Amy and I, I haven’t really updated in forever. So I’ll just kinda go through the wonderful days of this awesomely long weekend.
TUESDAY was the last day of the tri. Woooot. Kz rode my bus home and we hung out like sexys.
Wednesday when I went to the eye doctor, he dilated my eyes and threatened to cut my bangs. It was terrifying. Sept it was Laura’s dad so it’s all gravy. I totally went to cub with my mom too. A bunch of Osseo cheerleaders we’re there packing groceries. Crazy. Then Karissa and I went over to David’s and watched his band play. It was him, Kenny, and Taylor. Then Kz, Sarah, Jenny, Karissa, and I watched hardcore. It was fun.
Thanksgiving I went to my aunts house. My almost uncle Joe is so funny and congratulated me on my sexy burping skills. Finally, someone appreciates my talents. Then Lindz and I rented a movie and watched it cause we’re hot.
Fridamos! I went to Dee’s. Then we met Amy, Laura, Steph, Ally, Sam, and Katie up at CPK and ate. Then we all hung out for a while. It was delicious fun. Then Dee came over to my house and we hung out because we rock. Heck yes.
Yesterday I hung out with KD! Wooot! We went to go visit Jenny at work and we hung out and talked about a lot of floof <3 We hung out in the shoppes bathroom and this little 5 year old boy was hitting on us.. inside the womens bathroom. It rocked so hard. Then we went to her house and watched part of Freaky Friday. It was actually pretty funny. Rah, Kd is awesome.
Today I went over to Alex’s house for a while. I totally made him a cake because I’m a disgustingly nice person. I rock. Then I got home and Andrew called me, KD and I met him and a few Osseo people up at the theater. I was a definite minority, but it’s all good. Kd and I re-arranged the furniture in the shoppes bathroom. Yeah, we’re cool. We thought our way was better. Duh.
Right now Lindz is getting ready to go back to school. Lame! But now I don’t have to share my bathroom with her. :D skol. She is a dirty creature. I’m so tired. Kill it! The last thing I wanna do is go back to school tomorrow. Gross, new schedule, new classes, new.. learning.. -.- shuttup its lame already. I should probly start planning on which days I miss. So they don’t sneak up on me or anything. I really don’t like Thursdays. Maybe I’ll miss the rest of the Thursdays until Christmas break. Woo!! Christmas! I love Christmas way much. We got a really creepy looking fake tree this year. Bonsai like, molests it. It’s like her boyfriend. Psh. What a whore. Yeah but, Ima go keep my sister company. So peace!