psh. i have no idea how jen and i managed to have such an insanely ridiculous conversation.
here's how it started:
old ph0tographs: wuiht my contact is driving me nuts.
chemical kissesx: aww crap! *hugs eye bawls*
chemical kissesx: wuiht
chemical kissesx: what was that suppoed to say/
chemical kissesx: haha
old ph0tographs: lmao
old ph0tographs: asghiga
old ph0tographs: is what it was supposed to say
old ph0tographs: buuut it looked like a word
old ph0tographs: i hate it when that happens
chemical kissesx: haha me too!
old ph0tographs: lmao the tragic life of us ;p
chemical kissesx: hahaha true that!
chemical kissesx: w3rd. --- starts HERE.
old ph0tographs: l0v3.
chemical kissesx: 10v3.
chemical kissesx: haha
chemical kissesx: thats so pathetic.
old ph0tographs: lmao
chemical kissesx: one letter in the word love.
old ph0tographs: i l0v3 g00d13z lyK3 th15.
old ph0tographs: thats hawt, cmon you gotta admit.,
chemical kissesx: 0mg m3 t00. 1t5 ju5t s0o0o0o0o0o0o0 c001
old ph0tographs: w3r3 m0tH3r3ff1n c001.
chemical kissesx: d00d t00 c001 f0r 3v3n u5.
old ph0tographs: wh1cH 15 s4y1n9 s0mtH1n.
chemical kissesx: s0mtH1n b0uT u5 0bV10u51y n0T b31nG c001 aT a11
old ph0tographs: 4nd th3t w3r3 w1Ck3d 9h3tt0. l1k3 mYk4 f4Lc10n1.
chemical kissesx: d00D 5h35 s0o0o0o0o c00L10. 1 w15H 1 w45 Th4T c001!1!1!
old ph0tographs: 1 w15h 1 w45 th4t b19 0f 4 h0!!
chemical kissesx: 0hHhH m4N tH4tD b3 sw33333333333t!1!!!!!111
old ph0tographs: 4nd w3 c0u1d h4v3 n30n3!!!11 0m9 w3 c0u1d ru13 th3 sk001!
chemical kissesx: D00000D w3 d0 ru13 d4 sk001!!1!111
old ph0tographs: 0m9 h0w c0u1d 1 f0r93t?!11?! 0h y34h, c4u53 1 sm0k3 p0t 4nd dr1nK 41c0h01 411 th3 3ff1n t1m3!!11!
chemical kissesx: d0nT f3r93t b0Ut d4 h3r0w1n!!!!1!!
old ph0tographs: 0m9 y34h! s0 muCh f0 sX3, hUH? n0w wh3n 1 l15t3n t0 s1mpl3 pl4n, 1'll b3 4 p0s3r b3c4u53 1m n0t 4 puNk r4wk3r! !
chemical kissesx: d000D 1m d4 c00135t r4wk3R 0Ut d3r!!!
old ph0tographs: 0m9 1'm s0 r4wk-15h th4t 1 h4v3 t0 g0 t0 sLeeP!!11 0m9 1 h4v3 butT3rfL135!!
chemical kissesx: 0m9 1 c4nT w41t t0 5333333333 y0 t0m0rr4!!
old ph0tographs: m3 n31th3r!!! 1 m19ht h4v3 4 t33n13 m0m3nt 4nd fr34k 0ut wh3n 1 s33 y0u!!
chemical kissesx: 0m9 m33333 t0000!!
chemical kissesx: 1m g3tt1n9 r341 g00d 4t tyP1n9 1yk3 4 r3t4rd!
old ph0tographs: 0m9 th15 15 h0w 1 n0rm4lly tYp3!!11 1m s0 gl4d 1 c4n b3 mYs3lF w1tH y0u n0w!!
chemical kissesx: 0m9!! 5o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o g0o0o0o0od!
old ph0tographs: w4v3 0 b4b135!
chemical kissesx: h4h4h4h4h4
old ph0tographs: lm40! 1 l0v3 y0u!
old ph0tographs: h4h4h4h4h4h444444
old ph0tographs: 1m suCh 4 m0r0n 1'm 4ctu4LLy l4u9h1n9 r19hT n0w.
chemical kissesx: 4 m1 t4mb13n!
old ph0tographs: th1s 1s d3f1n1t3lY g0in9 1n th3 3LLj4Y!
chemical kissesx: 4WwwW
chemical kissesx: y4444444y!
old ph0tographs: y34h d00d, buT 1 n33d t0 s4v3 1t 4nD d0 1t t0m0rr0w b3c4u53 1m 4 t1r3d duCk.
old ph0tographs: s0 1 w1LL s33 y0u t0m0rr0w mY l1ttl3 r3t4rd tYp1n9 buDdY!
chemical kissesx: 4 m1 t4mb13n. 4wWwW 5h1t thr0w1n9 d0wN th3 35p4n01!1!
old ph0tographs: lma0 y0ur3 b3tt3r th4n m3!!11
chemical kissesx: 10v3 y0U 5p3dDy fri3nD!!!
old ph0tographs: l0v3 y0u t00 d4rl1n9!1
..yeah, we're nuts. so yeah. BMR today.
twas the best time ever. my classes are really chill; except for spanish where i lack in the friends department BIG time. but gym is really fun with sofia and caroline. and aubrey. and myka falcioni. *laughs*
so yeah, im absolutely exhausted. tonight i'm working then going to sams so that will be uber cool. i might try to catch a nap before then, so ttyl. <333 l0v3.