Nov 01, 2004 17:08
It feels like I only get around to updating when I'm on vacation. So sad. One day I'll have my own computer and all the time in the world. (In NC, it was just as laid back as Honolulu, but so much cheaper to live. I didn't have to work half as much.)
To recap: (and don't think I'm depressed, cuz I'm not)
*My family feels like it's splitting at the seems..again: 1.Dad is still mysteriously ill with excruciating pain and his collection of meds consists of steroids and painkillers and plenty more. 2. BOTH of my brothers are drug addicts. I think the difference between a drug addict and a junkie is that drug addicts can still live with their parents. 3. I have an aunt who visited not too long ago and is now making multiple, OUTRAGEOUS claims against members of my family. What kind of person spreads rumors WITHIN HER OWN FAMILY?
*Seeking a new job. One that incorporates my newfound education. The new boss asked me about taking a position she was considering creating and how do I feel...My reply was, "It's all about the Benjamins." She asked how much I needed. I told her I would get back to her. To make a long story short, I asked for a $17,000 raise. Probably won't get that new position. But I'm ok with that. I'd rather be working part-time anyway.
*I've become very spiteful and mischeivious. Which some people from home may or may not be used to. Here, with my new circle of friends though, it is not uncommon for me to hear, "Gosh, I hope I never get on your bad side." No, you don't. Because I'm not stupid and I have NOTHING to lose from kicking someone's emotional/intellectual ass.
*I (heart) Axl Rose.
*I (heart) Halloween in Honolulu. Everyone gets to whore it up, because it's warm and humid so you can wear whatever you want. I was Sheriff and Heather was Indian Princess Takeahike from the Gofuckyourself Tribe. Hope to get pics posted.
*Roommate and I looking for a new place. Cheaper. HA!
*ALL my friends are girls, so I don't even know how to talk to boys anymore. Not like I have time for it anyway. I could really use a healthy crush. But I would settle for an abusive boyfriend. (I wish I didn't have to actually type out "JK" here, but I know some bleeding hearts out there would take that seriously. And I know that I should thank them, too.)
*I'm very nervous for the country, no matter what the election turnout is. I'm not proactive, but my television is. And from what it tells me, I'm a little scared. (I really am trying to cut back on the TV. It just makes me fat and stupid and I should know better.)