May 01, 2003 21:53
does our generation suck or do we rock? im leaning more towards sucking! it seems like we are a bunch of MTV jackasses,who have no grasp on reality or spirituality. We are so materialistic and self absorbed, it nauseates me to no end at times. I don’t see how the majority of our youth are TRULEY happy with them self’s. Or society brain washes us into thinking if we don’t listen to the "cool" music, if we don’t look like the girls in Cosmo, if we don’t drive a new car, we are not good enough, you don’t have what it takes to be noticed and you aren’t able to get what you want to be happy. allot of us have very low self asteems .so we believe what society preaches at us.
to me personality and direction makes a person beautiful. and the lack of a personality and direction makes someone very ugly.. ive met many people that, at first glance, wernt "pretty" but by talking to them and getting to know them they turned into one of the most beautiful creatures ive had the pleasure to know. like my first boyfriend. when i met him i thought " hes a nice guy but im not attracted to him at all", after hanging out with him for about a month. he turned into a rare beauty. and to this day when i see him i think "wow he is a beautiful person inside and out"..
I think that spirituality is very important. I think most people that don’t know what they believe in are missing something in their hearts. When I didn’t know what I believed in I felt a void in me. and I was in a constant search for contemptment (is that a word?) me and tav were talking about this the other day for a while. almost all of our parents were involved in church or dragged us along on sundays till we were old enough to say "i dont want to go,and im not". Im surprised to say that most of the people I have met or know say this about their spirituality ," I went to church when I was younger, but I don’t go anymore, I don’t get it, everyone is a hypocrite and I don’t see how going to church is a benefit to me at all." so our parents were in church and took us. We went when we were younger but will most likely never go again. So what will our children say about "god" and spirituality? Will it become a myth.? Will it be forgotten within the next 100 years? Will our grandchildren know god as something that people used to believe in? to me thats a scary thought. for those of you who dont know,i am a follower of Christ(Jesus). i believe that he is the way the truth and the life. and for those of you how know me well will be able to say that i am the happiest and the most put together that ive ever been.. he completes me. and the thought of living in a world where my grandchildren have no concept or reality of god is very scary. loving God isnt going to church and jumping around. Loving got is having a personal relationship. I don’t have to go to church to be on fire for god and to be used for his kingdom (but I do go because I get fed spiritually by going). But before I was ever comfortable with going to church I had to realize who I was his child.. I had to develop my faith.
Our generation needs a revolution. We need a shaking. We need to know the simple blessings in life. It seems like no one ever looks at the clouds anymore. No one enjoys hearing the rain and seeing a little flower spring. We need to stop worrying about what people think about us and start worrying about how we see our self’s. We need to realize beauty is on the inside, in your soul, in your spirit. Tav said, " its sad, I walk around and I look into peoples eyes and there’s such a emptiness in their gaze".
And whats up with our generation’s music? I mean come on. I know im not the only one thats sick of the good charlets, the shaggys,the christinas and britneys.. VIDEO DID KILL THE RADIO STAR. mtv is the devil. hehehe:) Music TV my ass. its more like trl 24 7.. MTV: "ok all you teeny boppers out there call in tell us what shitty video you want to see and we will play you 30 sec of the video,then you scream and hop around and pretend to be sexy. Then we are gonna show you video clips of how spoiled these people you idolize are and how shallow they are." "Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got, imp still, imp still jenny from the block”. SHUT THE HELL UP !!!
we should start a anti MTV movement. lets get rid of the image that comes along with being a rock star now a days. strip Britney of her looks and she would be waiting tables somewhere. strip Kelly of her dads money and she would be waiting tables somewhere.
but i have to say that i am thankful for the few good bands that we do have. the system of a downs, the bjorks, the tools, the Jr Gongs. at least we have some good modern music to listen to. but i still mostly stick to the classic rock. the music of that time was sooooo PURE. the artists of that time wernt making bands because they wanted to be famous(for the most part) they were forming bands because they hade something to say. and people listened.
who are we listening to?
ahhh. its late. i have to finish the painting im doing for mary and jim.. we (me and my dad) are going to vegas tomorrow after our interview with a morning show(stoked that we get to promote our show more). we are gonna visit mary and jim, of course. We were gonna go to mexico to get some footage of the mission trip our church is on right now. but we are both so tired. we have been going non stop for weeks. we are still editing the 2nd episode and we have to be out of the house at 5.30. so my dad told me tonight that he doesnt think hes gonna be up to driving down to mexico..:( im sad. i was looking forward to that. We were going to visit the dump where allot of people live. I was going to be able to give out food, toys and candy to children that have probably never had the luxury of brushing their teeth. That would have been such a humbling experience. I want to hug those children sooo bad. I really really hope my dad changes his mind. But if we don’t go that means I get to spend more time with Mary and I miss her so much. My best friend lives in Vegas,ahhhhh.:/
Ok I guess that’s all for now. I have allot on my heart/mind right now. What I vented on was a few things.. I feel like blowing up,in a good way.. i feel like i have sooo much inside that i want to use and create. baby steps right? alrighty then., in closing i want to give a shout out to my main man Tav. also to Jen from chico!i love you and i cant wait to squeeze you to death next time i see you.. and also to Mike from Sac.. it was nice talking to you last night man, it was good stuff. cant wait to hang out with ya:)
and....ummmmmm.. I love Jesus : D
peace love and reggae