Nov 03, 2005 23:13

yeah so....nobody complain to me how much their two weeks sucked, because I guarantee you mine was a million times worse. here is a list of things that sucked!

*No power, just got it backa few hours ago, 10 days later
*lack of showers
*no phone, my cell phone broke and my dad refuses to just get another one so i have nobodies numbers anymore, yeah, I'm not ignoring anyone, I just couldn't get to my voicemail or phone book and the house phone had limmited service.
*removing 53 trees from my yard
*battle wounds from cypress trees beating me up
*mosquito bites from living at in the middle of nowhere and having the windows open because we had no fucking power
*not being able to go to work and make money
*being stuck doing yard work
*the cuuts on my hands from picking up cypress needles and racking up 5 acres up tree branches, fuck you trees, fuck you
*josh having a major melt down and standing on lake worth road barefoot with a back pack at 11 at night when we were under a 8 o'clock curfew
*no tv
*sharing one toilet with 4 people
*not sleeping at all

yeah I don't think that there was one thing that was good about the past two weeks, I mean Josh was down for a couple of days, but that only lasted a litle while and it didn't start out too well either. I still haven't finished my journals for joshnston, number 13. err, and I have to do that fucking wkst for kessler then I have to wrote a paper for environmental. It's ridiculous, I think we have the next book due lik next wee or something too. He better exttend the dates, I eman not everybody was able to just sit around and read fucking Huck Finn. Some people actually had to participate in hurricane clean up which was obviously more for me that probably most. ahhhhhhh, shoot me now!
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