Sep 05, 2005 18:50
This weekend was reallly long. I worked everyday except for today. Gary called me though at like 4 and wanted me to fill in for Jackie who was sick. I turned him down though, homework to finish and scales to learn. PLUS, one of my favorite shows were on a marathon all day! I love Wildfire, it is addicting. Anyhow, I spent most of the day painting the gameroom. Hopefully it will be done in the next couple of weekends. My Mom really wanted it to be all done before Josh came down this weekend. I don't think that it will happen though. I think he's gonna spend the night again, as long as it's ok with his parents. My Mom is cool about it.
This week should hopefully be rather quick. No school today then an LTM on Thurs. . yayyyy, these days are cool, completely a waste but they are fun and atleast now I can sleep in since I am driving. haha, my cousin failed his driving test today, I was laughing sooo hard. he thinks he's so cool and like hot man on campus. hahaha, that made my day.
I love commercials with dogs in them lol. I just saw one for disney world and it was so cute. They had the cinderella song when her and Prince Charming are dancing in the garden. Disney world was so much fun. I loved going with Josh, it was magical even at 16 years old. I hope we get to go again soon.
Alrighty, welll, I better go study for my million tests this week. ughhh, junior yar sucks, don't look forward to alll underclassmen, it's def. not what it's cracked up to be.
I love you Joshy!