Jul 27, 2005 18:49
I have never been this busy in my entire life.... Here's what I'll be doing in the nexyt two weeks......
1.) Working at Subway just about every day in the next week then who knows the next week, it'll be my last. I pu in my two weeks notice today.
2.) Learning how to make Frappucinos at the Barnes and Noble Cafe.
3.) Juggling two jobs at the same time. I'll be doing them both all in the same day for the next two weekswhile I work my time out at Subway. Subway in the day and B&N in the evening.
4.) Finish reading and write papers on three very long and very boring books for my AP classes. The John Adam's thing isn't that bad though.
5.) Get out of AP enviromental and get into gym, it'll be impossible for me to have 3 AP classes and work, plus that is just dumb to take that class nomatter the AP credit or not. Colleges just don't care about that class I can't use it.
6.) Try to have a boyfriend.
7.) Enjoy my last three weeks with Josh.
8.) find time to by clothes for school with the money I made from the two jobs I'll be working at the same time, this is ridiculous.
9.) practice bassoon, yeah, I haven't really done too much of that this summer.
I procrastinated wayy too much this summer. I should have listened to my conscience earlier in June. In the long run I think that the job thing will work out. I'm getting payed a considerable amount more and it should be a upward move for me. Meanwhile it is the wierdest feeling. I feel really good about being so responsible with my jobs, I mean I've done all this on my own and it feels really good, plus I'm my own transportation unit now which is awesome. I just really hate myself for not paying more attention to my school work. I guess just everything with the car and work and wanting to be with Josh this summer really effected me. I didn't really get to hang out with any of my friends but then again most of them were at band camp so I guess that is a reason. I'm going to a party on Saturday night and I 'm gonna see my firends from middle school. I really can't wait, I miss hanging out with them.