Dec 22, 2006 16:51
well, i just found out that the boy i've been going out with for about a year is a complete and total pervert. and not in the high school "uhh, eew! boys are perverts!" sense, but the actual meaning of the word. he downloaded and left on my computer a bunch of bondage anime porn with like young school girls being anally raped. his excuse was "what was i supposed to do? you left me high and alone in your room while you took your friend to the airport." that's the largest load of shit i've heard in a long time. i'm pretty cool and pretty open. i mean, to each his own, right? but this shit violated everything i believe in as a woman and as a human being.
what really got me was that it showed the girls crying. it wasnt just from the guy's point of view, it made sure to show how much pain the girls were in. and when i told him that, he replied with "it's supposed to be like that so perverts can get off easier." yea, genious, that's why i'm wigged out.
i feel like i've wasted enough of my energy and emotions on this loser and i just need to move on.