May 01, 2007 21:05
Heroes 1.20 - Five Years Gone
1. "No way. I scare me." Hiro is all kinds of awesome.
2. Peter Petrelli. Bad ass. And that scar. Oh. Just, oh. And Peter/Niki. Never saw that coming.
3. And the whole Nathan turning against his own people, but it was actually Sylar. I was really surprised by that turn of event. But honestly, the whole time I was watching it wide-eyed and mouth hanging open. Each new revelation stunned me more than the previous.
4. I just need to say this again. Peter Petrelli. Bad ass.
5. Technically, it wasn't Nathan, but oh Adrian Pasdar, you so pretty.
6. I like Claire with dark hair. Although her boyfriend is not very pretty. C'mon Claire, you can do better than that. We need to bring Zach back.
7. The Hiro/Ando angst.
8. Sylar with the ice, Peter with the fire.
9. Peter Petrelli. Bad ass. So hardcore. Sorry, did I mention that already?
10. Okay, if it was Peter who really blew up, why would Hiro killing Sylar accomplish anything? Or was it Sylar who blew up and Peter was just made to believe he did? What? Hiro wouldn't kill Sylar, would he?
One thing I was sorely disappointed with is the lack of blockbuster action, specifically the fire-ice battle between Peter and Sylar. Mohinder was struggling so hard to hold back the door, and the explosions and the loud thunderings indicate a fierce amazing battle, and yet all we see is, well, Mohinder struggling to hold back the door. I understand there's a budget, but come on, some cool CGI would make all the difference. Granted, it wouldn't do anything to the storyline, but isn't action what viewers want? I know I would love the scene.
I've read a couple of reviews. Most loved it. Others claimed it was out of character and sloppy. I belonged to the majority. Loved it. Of course it was out of character. A major tragedy had happened, and five years had gone. People change. I think it was pretty well-done, given their 45 minute limit, having to explain the past 5 years. I have tons of questions for this AU, but with any luck, this is the last of this strange reality.
In conclusion, a very awesome, cool, dark What-If episode. Mid-season, I couldn't proclaim myself a big fan of Heroes, but with the recent excellent quality of the show, I'm now a big fan. Can't wait for the explosive (pun!) season finale.
And I'm behind on stuff again. Bah. And also, I start work tomorrow!