Supernatural 2.15 - Tall Tales
1. Love the recaps!
2. I called it. They're using the re-telling/memory/hesaidshesaid/whateveryoucallit method!
3. And yay for Bobby again!
4. Purple Nurples. Starla.
5. DUDE. THAT'S KINDA HOT. I wanna be that 'classy chick'.
6. "Dean, what do you think you're doing?" OMG. I love Jared. He perfected that. It was exactly like those old cranky uptight high school teachers.
7. "Dean, this is a very serious investigation! We don't have time for your blah blah blah..." As Jared keeps 'blah'-ing, I almost felt off my chair, clutching my stomach and startling my mom with my maniac laughter. ROFL. I don't know how Jared keeps a straight face. DAMN. I need the gag reel for that scene. I bet Jared couldn't stop laughing. Just like me.
8. DEAN STUFFING HIS FACE. *clutches my stomach again* Help me. I'm dying.
9. "Oh really? 'Cos it's frozen now, on" *snickers*
10. *wide-eyed* Aliens?
11. "They probed me. Again and again and again and again..." Yikes.
12. "They made me slow dance." ROFL.
13. "You brave little soldier. I acknowledge your pain. *hugs* Too precious for this world." SAM. DON'T HUG RANDOM GUYS. HUG YOUR OWN BROTHER. KTHX.
14. "I never said that!" "You always say pansy stuff like that!"
15. Did you see Sam's =( face! So cute!
16. Aw. Don't fight you guys.
17. Ew. Mutilated. By an alligator?
18. Poor Impala, and check out Dean's very own bitchface.
19. Wrestling on the bed. ♥ *squee*
20. Ooh, trickster! Sounds interesting.
21. "Oh right, 'cos you're Mr. Perfect."
22. "Look, just stay here until I get back, okay? Okay?" Dean's bitchface. "Okay!"
23. Yay! Tricking the trickster! Smart!
24. Oops. Not so smart.
25. Damnit. Dean getting another trashing. Poor him.
26. Sam throwing the stake to Dean. Yay for teamwork! WINCHESTERS FTW!
27. "Look, Dean, I just wanna say, that I, erm..." "Hey, me too." *squee* DUDE. Same thing happened in Prison Break! Michael and Sara!
28. ...and he's still alive! I like that. I want him to come back!
I love this episode. So much love. So so so so so much love.
And it's kinda interesting how to see how the brothers see each other, albeit in a somewhat exaggerated sense. Dean being the smart ass with the who-cares attitude, and with the purple nurples and the flirting and the stuffing-your-face. Sam being the perfect, no-nonsense, i-will-comfort-you but don't-eat-on-my-bed guy. Them arguing, fighting, wrestling (ON THE BED). Yeah, we get it, they're different, and they clash all the time. Of course they do. They're brothers. But at the end of the day, they worked together and got rid of the trickster! He came back, but still. Sam throwing Dean the stake and POW! Great teamwork there. And the last part with the "me too"? Sweet.
Caps by
Damn. They love each other. So so much.
Music from the episode:
The James Gang - Walk Away Junk Food - Next To You (They're the MySpace contest winner. This song played in the first bar scene, but it was really hard to hear. I kinda feel bad for them for the bad slot.)
Chris DeBurgh - Lady In Red Barry White - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love And I really need to keep off my flist until I watch all my Thursday shows. Got spoiled accidentally for Grey's Anatomy. But damn! It was so good. I laughed like crazy for SPN and then cried like crazy for that. Good TV. Wonderful TV. I love TV.