Feb 09, 2006 21:07
hmmm i guess i shall update my livejournAL.
Ok, so im pretty much over my stupid exboyfriend, i really dont need him, or anyone else in the world but the few close friends i have really. One day tho, he shall be sorry, oh yes he will want some somuh, but will have no somuh. Well in 2 days is the Panic! At the Disco, The Academy is, HelloGoodbye, and Acceptance concert, AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! i cant wait!! Im going with Jessie and my mom might not go and Lauren might come and it's all so confusing. Ill talk to my mum about it later. Tomorrow night's the Valentines Day dance, i don't wanna go, but certain individuals are draggng me to this herendously boring event. I hate Valentines Day, why would i want to go to a dance dedicated to the horrid holiday? No reason. I might ditch it. I do however want a Valentine. That might make the day suck a little less. I know who i want to be my Valentine, but he doesnt know =). I wont get my hopes up, but a spark of hope couldnt hurt..
.. I think.