I wasn’t going to write a review of Matrix Revolutions since I figured everyone else would, but considering how off base everyone else was, I thought I should. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not claming Revolutions is any masterpiece of film; it is certainly an improvement over Reloaded though. Ok maybe the ending wasn’t exactly original and some bits were a little corny; I’m not saying it doesn’t have its flaws, but overall I think it was a decent flick.
The biggest complaints I’ve heard about the movie are about the ending. The martyr thing isn’t the most original or unpredictable ending; I think it’s done pretty well though- except maybe the fight out of DBZ between Neo and Smith- Did you expect for everything to get explained and entire war between the humans and machines ended in two hours? I think leaving some bits to the imagination is the best way.
As for it having a lot of unnecessary scenes, some parts seem a little longer than they need to be, although there are not any scenes that I think would have been better off let out, and there is nothing that approaches the gratuity of the orgy/rave from Reloaded. The emphasis placed on love and relationships I’ll admit is kinda corny, but it appeals to the hopeless romantic in me and in my view doesn’t detract from the movie, well not too much.
Anyway that’s my opinion. Go ahead and tell me why I am completely wrong and the movie sucked.