Roman Inspiration

Aug 01, 2004 09:47

Since everyone insist on caring on with this silly analogy equating the modern U.S. to ancient Rome, I’ve got a real Roman solution for Bush’s deficit problems: Proscriptions. It worked for Sulla and Caesar Octavianus / Mark Anthony, why not for Bush too? Here is how it goes: First you simply declare all you political opposition enemies of the state, kill them or force them to flee the country, confiscate all their property, and auction it all off maybe even picking up a bit of real-estate cheap for yourself. It’s the perfect solution for Bush; he not only rids him self of the half a trillion dollar deficit (or a least a good chuck of it), but all the evil liberals too. Sure some of the middle class will wine; saying, “You can’t just go around killing people! What is this a dictatorship!?” and the like, but they will stop caring and forget after a few years since it won’t directly affect them. Maybe even congress will vote to give Bush the name Augustus?