Apr 28, 2004 14:36
While I still strongly support the proposal I made recently regarding the genetic decadence in modern human race, I must realistically admit that the social changes nessarry for it’s implication would likely take several hundred years and in any case be beyond my life time. The only means I can devise to accomplish my gold of reinitiating human genetic development that is feasible in today’s moral climate is much less efficient than the method of selection I spoke of earlier and involves far greater side effects. However no matter what the accompanying cost, I see all out war across every country, partially the west, as the only means to overcome the current stall in the growth of the human species- genetic or otherwise. The cause of the fighting or the motivation of its percipients does not matter. It is only important that the battle be brutal and fought in back yards and city streets. American has not experienced a war on anything but television since the south succeeded. Europe’s recent past has been much bloodier, but as that has not seem prevent the entrenchment of the degenerate secular humanist ideas now governing Europe, more must be necessary.
The decay in society can be blamed on the same factors that are responsible for genetic decadence: lack of hardship and the complete elimination of any progressive judgment system. The Christian mores that have dominated for the last two thousand years have only accelerated deterioration. What advancement has man made since the Romans?! Reintroduction of some means of selection of the fittest is necessary not only for man salvation from genetic regression but social decline as well.