What me and my family are up to when summer changes to autumn. HARVEST! For a change I have some personal pics for you lol NOT ME! JUST THE HARVEST PRODUCTS!
[harvest]We take what the wood gives us? And all that shit lol These are blackberry bushes (blackberries aren't ripe yet in the pic). This year the blackberries stayed rather small, so collecting them wasn't fun and we didn't get as much as previous years. As a result we weren't able to make much blackberry jam (but we made lots of strawberry and raspberry jam, so we should be covered).
We also collected quite a few chanterelles. Loooots of them. And I don't even like them lolol They go into the freezer.
Potatoes. Cauliflowers. Kohlrabi. Potatoes go into the dark cellar. Cauliflowers and kohlrabis into the freezer too.
We also make our own apple juice. We shake those trees into submission and squeeze the holy hell out of them (our local carpenter has the equipment to do it).
Carrots are harvested partly. We still have a few in the soil. And the kale too, since kale needs to get some frost before it should be harvested. We also had too. many. tomatoes this year. Again. How much tomato relish and tomato soup and ketchup can you make? Too much LOL (Edit: We also make our own sauerkraut and grow cucumber, onions, zucchini, red cabbage, runner beans.)
And me preparing for winter. Bring it on, cold days.
And last but not least 2 photos I took while being out hiking with my sister maybe a week ago.