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Jul 12, 2005 14:51

Depression Will Folow Us To Our Death Beds

These days this disease is used as a crutch..by whom you ask...

depression is used for selling everything...it is used as a way to say hey you are depressed for being normal...whats wrong with you cheer up..someone being sad and someone being depressed are two different things...yes depression is a disease..but EVERYTIME you are sad or let down should not be used to say im derpressed..or to then diagnose someone or tell them they have depression. that is just ludacris.

Also, people use this as a way to recieve pity, power, and self-worth.

now wanting self-worth should not even be something needing to be achieved..everyone should be able to feel equal unfortunately this is not so in our culture...everyone has to make each other feel bad..even in our own sub-culture where we are supposed to be more tolerant we can not even do so...why is this? because we want to feel better and if we put down taht other person then hell...what is the problem with that? as long as i feel good and dont think about how i made that person feel..then where did i go wrong...

well naturally, you know where i go to this....that person goes home and feels sad...they want to feel better about their lives...they then start to feel depressed and look all because someone wasnt feeling good enough about themselves that day and had to take it out on this other kid for not being as cool as they are..or as normal...or to followa trend as well.

now i know i am not the most intellectual person in the world..i know this may be full of typos may be full of horrible use of the english language...again i dont care about that...this is saying try to realize you play a huge part in the depression epidemic in this society and it will follow you to your death bed....think about it....even if you do not put down others and so forth...our culture has been manufactured in such a way that people cant help but feel bad for themselves..and then take it out on others...thus depression following you when your friend is in a bad mood and they are being bitchy...it will follow.

now for me...i have done all of the above in the past i have thought long and hard on this...and if you see me being quiet it does not mean im depressed...life is hard we all know this, and if i need to talk to someone by all means i will, please dont push and push to make me talk to you if i say no not everything is ok dont worry that is also part of life...it is not always perfect we all get in sad not so happy moods...and let this be known that I as everyone feels am not always happy and energetic and upbeat jon...i can unfortunately get in sad moods...i have been in not the best the past few weeks and apologize...this is getting to long so i will end it now.
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