Aug 13, 2006 02:30
so this is it. summer is officially coming to an end. with the first of my friends leaving. martucci and cunningham. it is sad.:( i have had such a good summer i don't want it to end yet i am so excited for college!
so i begin to think about last year when all my friends were leaving for college. it was really upsetting, they were all leaving and i was stuck here to finish my last year of high school with like my 4 remaining friends my age. now one of my best friends from senior year is leaving and before i know it, it will be my turn. life is just going way too fast. i think i need to start taking it in and enjoying it more.
so tomorrow is the 2nd annual acoustic cafe in my backyard. i am really excited for it even though zach and i don't know what songs we are doing yet. oh well it will be a great time! sort of upset not all my friends will be there but it is there fault for leaving so darn early!!
yup so 8 more days here on the island!
love to all