some bitchy feelings and a great movie

May 31, 2004 21:27

..the movie was really good, I loved the special effects. But the whole green house effect thing is confusing me..i think im going to do some research to see what its actually about..I know that the whole thing is that the ozone layer is supposed to start fading away where the polar ice caps start melting..which causes extreme flooding..and houston would flood because blow sea level or something like that, I could be horrible wrong but thats what i remember in 6th grade when they told me. My dad made fun of the movie the whole drove me nutz..when people were going to die he was like im gonna cry..he doesnt believe in global warming..i dont know what i believe in. Well I got really really bad migraine heading out of the movie..we went to jasons deli because my dad thought that i was just hungary but it was a migraine..havent had one in a while, but i remember last summer I got them at least once a bring it on. Ive gone to way to many doctors for them..the one thats left on our list to go to is the nurologist. They cant really pinpoint why i get them. My mom and my dad got them alot when they were younger..they run in my family really bad. I used to get tension headaches alot at school, especially during my off periods when I was most stressed. But yea..those forms that i had my teachers fill out said that i always complain of headaches and i dont really have them, i just complained to get out of doing my work. Actually my work was what was causing them..but whatever..i have a really short fuse right at the moment for people who dont believe me. My dad doesnt believe me about some stupid email he got from ms. solmonson..who needs to die by the way. I didnt pay some fine, which she says she warned me several times about..BULLSHIT. I didnt even here anything about a fucking fine..i turned in all my books..everything..i double checked. Well since i have outstanding fines..i cant get my report card or taks scores..yea fuck it. I told my dad i seriously have no idea what there talking about and he thinks im lying to him right in his face..yea fuck him to. Im so sick of not being not a stupid kid who lies or makes up headaches for attention or to get out of doing things. I admit im lazy but i wouldnt make up a headache if I didnt want to do my work, i would simply just walk out of there and rome the halls. Ug..and on top of that i feel so dam selfish. I realized my dad does put up with alot of my shit, yea i put up with alot of his but i feel so selfish for the way i treat him. Sometimes i probably do overexagerate but then ill tell chris all the things he says to me or ill complain about him and she says aw..brittany come stay with me this weekend. I feel so bad for you , you have to live with him. Yea thats his girlfriend saying that...which is incredibly sad. She shouldnt even be his girlfriend anymore...hes such a ass of a boyfriend. He doesnt take her anywhere nice, hates taking her to movies, never pays when they go on dates..he does have some good qualities but i cant really name them. Lol..i have told jason about some of the situations with my dad and i was like yea he puts up with alot of my crap..jason was like yea he defintly does..and then all of the sudden i just felt like a total selfish brat. I felt really snobby..latley i have felt really snobby and i dont understand why. Im so worried about if jason thinks im not the girl that he thought he was going out with. He thought i was so sweet and nice , but i turned out to be a snob. I dont know why i worry about it..cause everybody cant be so nice all the time, no matter how i try..and there are some people i dont bother being nice to because they have never been nice to me. I just worry what he thinks of me..if i come off really sweet or really big bitch. Yesterday i felt kinda bad for the way i was on the phone..i was just i think being difficult...i dont know..ugg..why do i worry about pointless things. I dont understand why i blow things in my mind way out of preportion. God im so pathetic..latley i have started to hate myself. I just wish i could always be perfect as lame as that sounds. I think im to dam hard on myself but then i feel stupid for saying that to. Im retarded...ok other news the guy jake was talking about in his livejournal..well small world i know him. Hes going out with my friend clair..but ok..i know him pretty well and this is going to go now..bye
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