(no subject)

May 21, 2004 13:13

Instructions: Write one statement to each of alot people on your LJ friends list. Never tell which one is for who.

1.I love you so much,you are the best person in the world to me..its seems I dont have to words to say how much I appriciat you in my life
2. You so silly..
3.I am very impressed by you, I admire how far you have come to terms with people and how you changed this year.
4.Ok I dont exactly have a problem with you but you sometimes annoy me..your just way into who you are or what you want to be.
5. you annoy me but no matter what you seem to never get upset about how I treat you..I think you are a greast person but you need to show that. Try not to fit in so hard or be who your not to fit in. We will like you being serious person or just different person all around..I just wish you wouldnt be so fake..
6.Your really sweet..your life suxs alot it seems. I like how strong you seem to stay even though you have been through so much shit...your alot stronger than me and all the stuff you have been through is amazing.Also dont try to hide the fact on how you feel outside..but lj helps to say how you feel
7. I love you, ive known you since 4th grade. You have seriously done some stuff that pisses me off though. I remember when we were in middle school we made a vow to not do drugs or drink. Well you certainly broke from that and are a very different person now. I accept you for who you are and I dont mind your mistakes..you are trying to be your own person and figure out who you are..so good luck
8. Wow..your crazy and funny. You make me laugh..laughing is good
9. yea your life sucks alot to..uh..your kinda quite around me..well kinda..I dont talk to you much. But your really goofy
10.I hate you so much, you push the limits on how much I can take from you. I know its mean to hate you but ahh..your jsut so mean to me. Your a really nice person deep deep down inside which Ive seen a couple of times. Why cant you be like that all the time?/ huh? I just dont get you..you need to update your journal since you never do
11.Your a neat person..we have a really interesting opionin on abortion or fact that I liked
12.Ok you dont talk to me hardly anymore and I think I know why. I think its a stupid reason and it upsets me..im kinda annoyed with you because of all of it
13. You seem really pissed, sad, mad, angary all the time. You kinda remind me of a drama queen sorry.
14.Your a cool person and Im sorry your going through some shit..I miss talking to you :(
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