character info post

Oct 18, 2009 02:40

PB: Jensen Ackles
Journal: somelikeithoth
Full Name: Sturgis Dean Podmore
Nicknames: -
Birthdate: 24 January 1959
Blood Status: half
Location outside of school: Manchester, UK

Snake, Lion, Badger or Eagle? Lion
Year:(6th and seventh only) 7th
Extra-Curricular: quidditch beater baby
Favorite Subject(s): transfiguration, astronomy and charms (wink wink)
Least Favorite Subject(s): herbology
List of subjects taken at NEWT level
- Astronomy
- CoMC
- Charms
- Potions
- Transfiguration
Strongest Subject(s): Astronomy and Charms
Weakest Subject(s): CoMC
Long term goals: He would love to become an auror. He enjoys kicking arse.
Short term goals: Sturgis wants to get into auror training after he's out of school.

First showing of magical ability: At his eighth birthday Sturgis got SO mad at his mum that he yelled and broke every bit of glass in the house. Even though he made a HUGE mess his mum was still happy that he'd shown some sort of magical ability. His dad was scared shitless.
Wand: 9 1/2", Ebony, Crup Hair
Ebony. Resistance, obstinacy, strength in opposition. Protection from Tyranny, outside control, wrongful commands or magical mind control. Inability to change. Inability to bend. Overwhelming masculinity.
Crup Hair: This core is good for counter curses, and spells to speed something up. The core "Crup Hairs" prefers someone who is constantly in motion, someone who is strong, and/or someone who never gives up easily.
Favorite Hex/Charm/Potion/Curse: Twitchy ears hex because it's FUNNY.
Patronus: jaguar
Why? Jaguars are of larger, sturdier build and very powerful. They tend to be more solitary, which Sturgis is even though he enjoys partying. They're also very active creatures.
Boggart: Parakeets diving at him.
Why? His great-grandma had parakeets. End of story.

Names of Parents: John and Charlotte Podmore
Is their marriage happy/unhappy? Is no longer a marriage.
What is their allegiance in the war? John is against it. Charlotte is unknown.
How is your character's relationship with his/her parents? Sturgis gets along great with his father. It's kind of ridiculous really.
Do they have siblings, or are they an only child? Only child.
Siblings name(s) and age(s): -
How does your character get on with their sibling(s)? -
Pets:(species, name, etc.) Owl named Tranmere after a player from Man U.

The starred(*) parts of this section should be left blank until you've established relationships with the other players.
Friends: Prewetts, Doc, Callum, Mac
Enemies: Thomas Nott, Evan, Slytherins in general
Orientation: Straight
Have they had any past relationships worth taking note of? Nope. Sturgis doesn't do relationships.
Are they currently interested in anyone? He's interested in a lot of people.

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 14st 3lbs
Hair color: blondish-brown
Eye Color: bright green
Distinguishing marks: Cresent moon-like birthmark on his left hip.

Not complete sentences, but lists of single words. Like how you fill out your interests on LJ.
cars, motorcycles, firewhisky, women, rock music, chocolate frogs, Charms, steak and chips
his mother, Slytherins, whiny people, coconut, stinky feet, Herbology, dressing up

These answers can be as long as you please, but they should be no shorter than four, complete sentences.
Sturgis is fairly muscular and has a tendancy to show that off. He's more of a jeans and t shirt guy, you definitely won't find him in a suit unless he has to be. His hair is shorter just because it's easier to maintain that way and it looks good. He does have to wear glasses for reading and for right before he goes to bed. He takes a lot of care in his appearance though he likes people to think he doesn't.
Sturgis is laid back but is quick to jump into a fight. If it goes against what he believes in he'll fiercely challenge it. He's stubborn to a ridiculous point and has very specific opinions. He does try to make friends with everyone but sometimes if he doesn't get a good "vibe" at the first meeting he can't let it go.
Where's you're character's mind at at this point in the RP?
He's just trying to get done with school and into Auror training. He's also slightly worried about his father considering how things are in the "outside world" at this point in time.
How would your character interact with characters who are on the same side, opposing side, or neutral?
Same Side: Gets along great! They are, after all, on the same side.
Neutral: Will interact with but only if he really has to.
Apposing: Despises with his whole heart.
How does your character see his/herself in comparison to others?
Oh Sturgis thinks he's great! And adorable. Don't forget adorable.