it's like shakespeare once said, what the fuck do i do now?

Jun 22, 2007 19:26

I think I may get serious about this peace corps idea. I feel like I need to do something that challenges me and oddly enough I don't find filing to be that challenging. I'm still trying to figure out if it is the right thing for me, if I agree with the peace corps methods and if I am doing it for the right reasons, but I have started the application process and am working on my essays. I feel so lost these days. So listless. I feel like I need to get a move on but I don't know where I am going. I don't like this feeling, although I'm sure it is better than the feeling of being old and wishing you had done everything different. I don't want to have that feeling. So where does that leave me? The only insight I can glean from all this agony is that a) I don't want to die wishing I had done everything different; b) I don't like not knowing what I want to do; and c) I don't know what I want to do. Are these the best years of our lives?
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